Modern Slavery

This statement is made on behalf of Laltex Group according to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and includes our slavery and human trafficking statement in respect of the current financial year.

About Laltex:

Laltex has been established in Hong Kong in 1948 and later in the UK in 1962, Laltex Group supply products from across our 8 divisions to the wholesale, retail and promotional markets on a national and European level.

Laltex Group specialise in sourcing from a global network of suppliers to bring innovative products from around the world, ensuring that we continually offer imaginative products with outstanding value.

Our Organisation Structure & Supply Chain:

Laltex Group staff do no fall into any category that could be considered as vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK, meaning that our attention in regards to slavery and human trafficking is mainly directed towards our supply chain.

Laltex Group works with an established supply chain of manufactures and printers, based in the UK, Europe and the Far East. China represents the dominant country of our product manufacturing. All suppliers are required to sign an ethical trading agreement (which is in line with the ETI base code) before we commence any trading arrangement.

Our Policies and Principles:

We are committed to conducting business ethically and ensuring that the risk of Modern slavery and human trafficking taking place within our business or in our supply chains is mitigated and we expect our suppliers to meet the same high standards. This is done through engagement with suppliers and partners to ensure they meet the standards set by law, educating staff on the risk of modern slavery and, in areas identified as being high risk, ensuring successful preventative or mitigating action is taken.

We have in place a number of company and group policies which address issues relevant to slavery and human trafficking, including: Written employment practices and procedures which ensure fair recruitment and treatment of employees;

A written whistleblowing policy and procedure, which enables employees to report in confidence any concerns of malpractice or other unethical behaviour, which includes any concerns related to slavery and human trafficking issues; and

A written Ethical policy outlining our requirements that suppliers operate in an ethical manner which does not impinge on their employees' human rights, incorporating anti- slavery and human trafficking measures, as well as encouraging employees to challenge any areas where they feel Laltex is not procuring goods and services in accordance with acceptable ethical standards.

Our Continuing Commitment

We will continue to take these and other steps, with the aim of ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not occur in any part of our business or our supply chains.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Laltex Group's slavery and human trafficking statement.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. We also work in partnership with our suppliers in review meetings and on their premises during the vendor assessment process to advise on best practice.

Approved by the Board of Directors of Laltex Group Ltd.

Neil Horner

Managing Director

Laltex Group

March 2024